15 minute city GIS Analysis

As cities strive for greater livability and sustainability, understanding the intricate spatial dynamics becomes paramount. Our team of skilled analysts harnesses the power of geospatial data to unravel the intricate tapestry of urban landscapes, unlocking insights that pave the way for 15-minute cities. Through cutting-edge spatial analysis techniques, we assess accessibility, transportation networks, and amenities distribution to optimise urban environments for vibrant, inclusive, and connected communities. Our tailored GIS analysis empowers city planners, architects, policymakers, and developers to make informed decisions that enhance walkability and promote equitable access to essential services and recreational opportunities.

Benefits in Urban Design & Masterplanning

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: By designing cities around the 15-minute city concept, residents can enjoy a higher quality of life. They have easy access to essential services, amenities, and recreational spaces without the need for long commutes. This reduces stress, saves time, and allows people to spend more time on activities they enjoy.

  • Sustainability and Environmental Benefits: The 15-minute city promotes sustainable practices by reducing the need for long-distance commuting and reliance on cars. This approach encourages walking, cycling, and the use of public transportation, leading to reduced traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and improved air quality.

  • Improved Health and Well-being: The walkability and accessibility of a 15-minute city promote physical activity, leading to healthier lifestyles and improved well-being. Residents have more opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, which can have positive effects on physical and mental health.

  • Stronger Local Economy: By concentrating a variety of services and businesses within a compact area, the 15-minute city supports local economies. It encourages the development of small businesses, local shops, and services, fostering a sense of community and supporting local employment opportunities.

  • Social Integration: The compact and mixed-use nature of a 15-minute city facilitates social interaction and integration. People from different backgrounds and age groups are more likely to cross paths, fostering a sense of community and increasing social cohesion.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: The 15-minute city promotes resilience by creating self-sufficient neighbourhoods. In times of crisis or emergencies, such as natural disasters or disruptions to transportation, residents have access to essential services and resources within their immediate vicinity, increasing their ability to cope with and recover from adverse events

Liveable Neighbourhoods

Our tailored solutions (Liveable Neighbourhoods) empower city planners, architects, policymakers, and developers to make informed decisions and access existing scenarios. This application is currently available free of charge in the UK.

Key features of 15minute city GIS analysis

  • Neighbourhood Analysis: Analyse existing neighbourhoods to identify areas that require regeneration or improvement to align with the 15-minute city concept.

  • Masterplan Design Testing: Test and evaluate masterplan designs to ensure they accommodate the principles of a 15-minute city. Make necessary adjustments to incorporate the concept effectively.

  • Integration of Amenities and Infrastructure: Incorporate new amenities, developments, and road networks to simulate future scenarios that support the 15-minute city concept. Examine the positive impact your designs will have on the community.

  • Customisable User Profiles: Adjust the parameters to create user profiles that suit the demographics and needs of the residents living or working in the area. This customisation ensures the design meets the specific requirements of the community.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Test the masterplan based on all five categories of a 15-minute city: Transport, Retail, Leisure, Health, and Education. Alternatively, select a specific combination of categories for evaluation.
    Grid Result Output: Generate grid-based results that can be overlaid on the design to identify areas that require adjustments or improvements. This analysis helps optimise the implementation of the 15-minute city concept within the masterplan.
